So much is happening with Action On The Side this year
Script Development
We continue to run our fortnightly script development workshops at the Curzon Soho, Wednesday evenings. Check our Events Page for dates and to sign up.

Cinema SoundEX
The experimental experience for filmmakers and composers kicks off September 1st.
In a series of two rounds, filmmakers make two short films, and composers make two soundtracks. But there's a catch!
In Round Two (October), you have three weeks to make a new piece based on another's work: filmmakers make a film to the music they receive, and composers make a soundtrack to they film they receive.
AOTS October
The bespoke one-month short film project is back!
Make a short film across four weekends in October
Pitch | Preproduction | Production | Post Production | Presentation
You can pitch your own film idea
You'll build your network
You'll build your skills
You'll gain credits
You'll get on-set experience
You'll join our community
The Ealing 48
For the first time, Ealing Film Festival and Action On The Side are running a 48-Hour Film Competition
From 8pm Friday 3rd to 8pm Sunday 5th November, you and your team will have only 48 hours to make a 5-7 minute short film in the genre and using the random elements we give you.
The best films will premiere at the Ealing Film Festival 2023
The Short Script Award
Submit your short screenplays (up to 10 pages) for our Award
Earlybird Deadline: 1st September
Regular Deadline: 1st October
Late Deadline: 1st November
get feedback, win development workshops, gain laurels, and even get some prize money