We have 11 teams competing in the inaugural Action On The Side Ealing 48 | 48-hour film competition
Our Kick-Off Event at OPEN Ealing went swimmingly. We had guest speakers giving tips...
The teams have until 8pm this Sunday to write, shoot, edit, and submit a 5-7 minute short film.
... and it has to be in a genre we've allocated them.
Which genres did they get?
What a crazy array of genres!
Not only do the teams have to make their short film in an allocated genre, they also all have to incorporate the three random elements...
A prop
which must be clearly recognisable in the film.

A line of dialogue
which must be clearly recognisable

and a Shot or Filmmaking Technique...
which must appear somewhere in the film...

We are really excited to see what the teams will do. Follow us online as we retweet, regram, and repost their behind the scenes -- #ealing48 and @actionontheside